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Important Dates

Abstract Submission (not obligatory): May 21, 2021 23:59  (AoE)
Paper Submission: May 28, 2021 23:59  (AoE)
Acceptance Notification: June 25, 2021
Camera-ready Deadline: August 6, 2021
Conference Date: August 18-20, 2021

Call for Papers

NVMSA is a premier conference in the area of non-volatile memory systems and emerging memory technologies. It provides a fantastic opportunity for global non-volatile memory researchers from different communities to discuss and exchange knowledge, ideas and insights, and to facilitate the establishment of potential collaborations that can speed up the progress in the design and application of NVMs. An expanded technical program will be offered in NVMSA 2021 for the audience from academia and industry. Papers are solicited from various topics on NVMs and related areas including, but not limited to:

Device/Circuit Design of NVM Systems:

NVM Architecture and Systems: NVM Storage: NVM Applications:

Submission Website
